Trooper Walter Arrowsmith






Trooper Walter Arrowsmith

Walter Arrowsmith was born in Port Mercer, NJ, on August 7, 1902. A life-long resident of that Borough, he only received a Grammar School education.

Prior to his enlistment in the New Jersey State Police, Trooper Arrowsmith worked as an auto mechanic. He was also in the ice business for himself.

Trooper Arrowsmith enlisted in the New Jersey State Police on April 1, 1925 as a member of the 10th State Police Class. He was stationed at Troop “A”, Malaga. His service with the New Jersey State Police was characterized by loyalty, fearless performance of duty and faithful and energetic devotion to the high principles of the New Jersey State Police.

The death of Trooper Arrowsmith resulted from a motorcycle accident while in the performance of his duties.

At approximately 12:15 P.M. on August 2, 1926, Trooper Arrowsmith was on patrol on the Harding Highway, 3 miles east of Woodstown, New Jersey. A Studebaker Coupe made a wide-turn out of Richmond Road causing the collision. Trooper Arrowsmith was taken to the Salem Memorial Hospital where he died from his injuries at 3:30 A.M. on August 5, 1926.

Trooper Arrowsmith served 1 year and 4 months with the New Jersey State Police. He was survived by his parents and three brothers. He was 23 years old.